Gantry Mode


Gantry Mode allows the user to easily configure a dual axis drive to configure it as a single “Machine Axis” where both motors are commanding motion in the same direction with a high level of synchronization.

It is similar to Electronic Gearing; however, there is no delay between the master and slave. It is an ideal operation mode for any mechanical gantry.


To enable Gantry Mode, set the AXIS2.CMDSOURCE to 4 (Gantry). This will cause all input, motion and operational commands to track Axis 1. Gantry Mode can only be enabled/disabled when both power stages are disabled.

  • Gantry Mode is only available for Axis 2. Axis 1 is assumed to be the master.

Limitations while in Gantry Mode

While Axis 2 is in Gantry Mode, the user cannot directly control Axis 2.

Enabling/Disabling the Amp

Axis 2 will follow the amp-enable state of Axis 1.


Axis 2 will match the operation mode of Axis 1, even if AXIS2.OPMODE is set to something different.


Service Motion/MotionTasks and all other motion commands will fail to execute and return an error when launched on Axis 2. All motion desired must be commanded on Axis 1.

Wake and Shake

Axis 2 must be equipped with a feedback that does not require wake and shake. If it is a feedback with halls and needs a one-time initialization, perform Wake and Shake before switching into Gantry Mode, save to NV Memory, and then switch Axis 2 into Gantry Mode.

HW and Software Limits

All HW and Software Limits will be honored. If any limit is tripped on Axis 1 or 2, both axes will stop together.


Homing should be performed on Axis 1. Attempts to command homing on Axis 2 will fail and return with an error.